martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

Halloween's history! - movie

Halloween history...

Nowadays Halloween is one of the most popular holiday celebrated all over the world. Some people celebrate this holiday without knowing which is its origin or what it means.
Halloween is celebrated every October 31st, it is a day related with superstitions, Halloween is celebrated as a pagan holiday, honoring the dead, Halloween takes place as a Celts celebration called "Samhain", in this tradition people are used to light bonfires and wear costumes, they believed the souls of the dead roamed streets and villages at night.

The Celts celebrated their new year on November 1st, so, the day before, they believed that the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. Celts also believed that on October 31 st, the ghost of dead returned to earth. Celts thought that the presence of the otherworldly spirits made it easy for them to make future predictions.

This is the origin of this holiday, few people know about this issue.. but is really important to have a little bit of knowledge about it. 
Over time Halloween is characterized by children friendly-activities such as trick or treating, moreover, children are used to tell ghost stories and the population do parades related with the celebration.

The tradition of dressing costumes has an European and Celtic roots.
There are a lot of superstitions related with Halloween, for example many people believed that witches avoided detection by turning themselves into cats, another superstitions is not walk under ladders for the same reason.
Halloween is a tradition which is expanded all over the world, every year it is stronger than the last one. At the end of everything it is part of the american culture... so, if you no are agree with it, don't celebrated that's the solution... but respect this tradition!

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