domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

Future probability - Unit 04

Future probability - grammar 

For expressing future probability, we can use modal verbs "will, could, may, might" also with can use these modals with phrases, for denoting how sure we are about the issue.

  • Will - we can use it when something will almost definitely happen, we use will for predicting based on the evidence.
  • May/ Might - we can use them when something is likely to happen, there are posibilities that happen.
  • Remote/ Doubt/ Slim/ Probabily won´t - we use these expression for denoting something unlikely to happen, when there are few possibilities.
  • Inconceivable - we can use this word when we don´t have any possibility, when there is a zzero porcente that something will happen.
  • I´m sure she´ll notice it´s missing // there is a 100% she will notice.
  • There is a strong posiibility that today rains // there is a 75% of possibilities that today rains.
  • There´s a slight possibility that I miss my keys // there is a 25% that I will miss my keys.
  • It isn´t possible that we´llbe able to travel today // there is a 0% that we travel today.


We have to learn how to use these modals of verbs, sometimes we just use I will or won´t for expressing future probability but in English there are a lot of ways to say the same sentence... we have to try to use them of we want to have more fluency, this is our challenge. The only way to get it is to practice them... It is easier to acquire when we try to apply them in context... not just knowing the meaning.

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